Conflating Slavery and Colonisation
The Daily Telegraph of 12th January carried a report by Craig Simpson about pictures of the Battle of Trafalgar and the Armada from the Government Art Collection, which hang in Government offices and British Embassies throughout the world, being “under review”. This review evidently conflates colonialism with slavery. One wonders who the reviewers are and who gave them their terms of reference and whose budget is paying for their “review”.
Suffice to say conflating slavery and colonialism is a tactic by the “Black Lives Matter” activists now being adopted by the wider “Woke” campaign to blacken the British Empire and by extension the whole British people and their Australian, Canadian and New Zealand descendants and relatives who have built the original British colonies in North America and Australasia into the great nations they are today.
Such is the warped, ignorant, Anglo-phobic, and plain ridiculous nature of the BLM/Woke attacks on the British people that some of their number have suggested that Nelson’s victories over the French and Spanish helped to uphold the slave trade and so make him, Nelson, and Britain more widely a beneficiary of slave trading.
For many Africans “Nelson” was in fact a popular name for many years because Nelson was seen as a proxy for the Royal Navy as it struggled to suppress the West African and East African slave trades in the 60 years following Trafalgar in 1805 and the outlawing of slave trading by all British subjects and British registered ships in 1807. Hence, for instance, Nelson Mandela, the name by which from the age of nine, this great man was known throughout his long life.
To judge by the fake history being propagated in some schools’ history material, the British Empire consisted largely of slave owning estates in the West Indies. In fact, these were a minuscule part of the Empire in terms of population and area. In any case slavery was abolished in all parts of the Empire in 1835 well before the West African colonies: Nigeria, Ghana (Gold Coast), the Gambia, Sierra Leone, for instance, were established as parts of the Empire in stages from 1885 on.