Stopping the insults

Some of the most obnoxious features of university life in contemporary Britain are the usually insulting pronouncements of so-called student “officers” about aspects of British national life they don’t care for.

The latest is by one Mahamed Abdullahi at Kings College London calling for the playing of “God Save the Queen” to be dropped on the grounds that it is “outdated” and “just a bit s***”and adding “f*** the nation state”, while deploring the “legacy of British Empire” and what he called “far-right nationalism across Europe”.

Last year one Baher Mustafa, “diversity officer” of Goldsmiths College also in London, called for meetings from which White people and all men should be excluded, and earlier this year we had a campaign, led by a black South African, to remove a statue of Cecil Rhodes from its place in Oriel College Oxford, on the grounds that he was a British colonialist and “that the statue stands in way of inclusivity”.

There was a time when people coming from foreign, often strife-torn, lands to study in Britain would have expressed gratitude for the funds provided for their tuition and maintenance from trusts often set up by the very people they denounce and despise (the Black South African at Oxford is himself a beneficiary of the Rhodes Scholarship scheme[1}).

At the very least foreign students would not attempt to change the country they were guests in, but regrettably today some Asian and African students feel they have a right to defame our country and its people, while they are living here at someone else’s expense.

British people as a whole should support the university and other authorities in resisting these assaults on our institutions and history. The law on “insulting behaviour” should be applied to our country, flag, anthem and institutions, with foul language and anti-White language aggravating factors in any convictions, as it would be if a native British person bellowed anti-Black insults in the streets or on Facebook.

Repeated offences should be followed by using the Home Secretary’s power to declare non-citizens’ presence as “not in the public interest”.

End Note

[1] Not as a Rhodes scholar itself, but on a locally extended scheme to increase the number of Black students going to Oxford, funded by the Rhodes Trust.

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