All-women shortlists: against the Law

From: Stephen Bush

Sent: 21 October 2009 15:22

To: ‘’

Subject: All-women shortlists:against the Law


Before David Cameron embarks on a policy of all-women shortlists for certain constituencies, he and his advisors should have regard to the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 section 2(1).


This prohibits discrimination against men and women. Motive and intention are irrelevant as has been upheld by the Law Lords (1990). The law covers interviews, employment, and post-employment situations, and direct and indirect discrimination. Discriminatory job advertisement of the type inherent in men-excluding short-lists is specifically banned (section 38). None of the possible exemptions, so-called “genuine occupational qualifications” (g.o.q), and national security apply.


If this is not enough to deter Mr. Cameron, aggrieved males can have recourse to section 14 of the Human Rights convention. This is hardly a sensible matter to be embroiled in for someone who, if elected, will be facing by far the biggest debt crisis in Britain’s history.


Professor S.F. Bush

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