Technomica Papers
These have been written to inform politicians and people of influence and give them a realistic framework for negotiating with the EU over Brexit. They expand and build on ideas developed by Professor Bush in previous publications about leaving the EU. To read or download, please click where there is a link. To return to Britain Watch, please use the “back” button, not the “close” button.
Technomica Paper 6 is called “Negotiating Brexit with the EU” and is dated 2018/1/3.
Technomica Paper 7 is called “Produce & Sustain: An Industrial Blueprint for Britain” and is dated 31/12/2018.
Technomica Paper 9 is called “Future UK-EU trade: No need for elaborate new tracking systems – Use existing Customs & VAT systems” and is dated 1/6/18.
Technomica Paper 13 is called “Two and a half routes to Brexit Independence Compared” and is dated 31/12/18.
Technomica Paper 14 (2019/1) is called “Clean Break – Fresh Start” and is dated 13/2/19.
Technomica Paper 15 (2019/2) is called “A New Deal for Brexit” and is dated 9/5/19.
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