Rotherham: the Police Dimension
The key cause of a collapsing political structure is when the state’s servants conspicuously fail to do the jobs they are entrusted with and are paid to do.
This failure is always, without exception, due to cowardice at the top in opting to work with the prevailing attitudes of the very top rather than the law.
The continuing failure of the South Yorkshire police to do their appointed jobs over at least the 16 years covered by Alexis Jay’s report into truly revolting sexual crimes, committed by gangs of men of overwhelmingly Pakistani origin, against at least 1400 under-age English girls in Rotherham, is to be set alongside police failure elsewhere:
- Similar unchecked sex abuse of English girls in Rochdale (Greater Manchester) again by predominantly Pakistani gangs.
- Incredible behaviour by police officers on duty in Downing Street, yards from number 10, to the extent that they apparently thought, as one officer put it in a text of 21st October 2012, “I still have time to bring the government down,” (the “Plebgate” scandal) while indulging in “Lying on an industrial scale” as David Davies, a leading Tory MP, put it (Daily Telegraph, Tuesday 2nd September).
- The equally incredible behaviour of Hampshire police seeking and obtaining an arrest warrant at the behest of Portsmouth City Council to detain a mother and father in Spain where they had gone to raise funds for specialist treatment in the Czech Republic on the utterly spurious grounds of “neglect”[1] of their child.
- In an extraordinary, wrong-headed attempt at an excuse, Assistant Chief Constable Chris Shead said, “It purely gives us the power to arrest them so we will be able to speak to them.” This use of arrest powers is unlawful according to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, section 24 and the Police Code of Practice G.
- At the end of August 2014, in a wholly misguided and disproportionate response to a single complaint dating back 29 years, emphatically denied by Sir Cliff Richard, South Yorkshire police (again) organised a raid with 8 police cars (16 or so officers) on his London apartment without even telling him, but ensuring that the BBC was there (with a helicopter) to breathlessly report what they obviously expected was another pop idol being brought down.
- The whole “complaints” basis for police investigations needs to be totally reformed, if necessary by statute, since the Courts themselves have been complicit in upholding complaints against English people even if the alleged victim of the complained of words or action didn’t complain, while excusing similar “racially aggravated” complaints levelled against ethnic minorities[2].
- In fact, among the most decent of English people in some parts of the country, there is now an apprehension that complaints to the police about the behaviour of minorities and foreigners such as Roma or Irish travellers are ignored or excused, usually on the grounds that the matters complained of such as noise, illegal occupation of land, mess, etc., are “civil” matters to be pursued through the courts, a totally futile evasion of responsibility to protect citizens’ rights and property.
- The enquiry by Lord Justice Taylor into the Hillsborough stadium disaster in 1989 (96 people killed, 729 injured) described the senior police officers (South Yorkshire yet again) as “defensive and evasive witnesses who refused to accept any responsibility for error”[3].
- Two more enquiries also concluded that the main cause of the disaster was defective police control and that 118 of 164 witness statements had been amended to remove negative comments about South Yorkshire police.
- Two senior policemen referred to by the enquiries have been allowed to retire on full medically attested pensions.
- In the usual manner of the British state nowadays, no actual penalties or even criticism have been levelled at other individual police officers.
- The latest annual report (3rd September 2014) of the Chief Inspector of the Constabulary in England and Wales (Tom Winsor) states that in some areas police non-action amounts to the decriminalisation of some crimes such as burglaries and car theft.
So far away is the police service from a proper sense of duty to the ordinary British citizen that only a complete replacement of senior teaching staff at the College of Policing (from which all senior officers have graduated), and the inculcation of a culture which puts British citizens first in their order of priorities, will meet the need. In particular, the role of academics from the Sociology and Management departments of our universities needs to be measured against this new practical and exacting standard[4].
End Notes
[1] The parents have six other children aged between 8 and 22. The role of the Social Services in Portsmouth is yet another example of the SS-like assumption of power over the lives of children and families graphically documented by Christopher Booker in the Sunday Telegraph week after week over the last two years.
[2] See for instance DPP v Pal (2000) Crim I.R. 256 QBD, and DPP v Woods (2002) EWCH 85 (Admin QBD). These are two atrocious examples of Political Correctness (PC) at the very heart of the British criminal justice system. Recall also police action against a shopkeeper who displayed a gollywog for sale, even though no black person had complained or even seen it.
[3] Lord Justice Taylor Report. While it’s generally thought that the Taylor report was a good one, it is noteworthy that investigations of this sort in Britain are invariably carried out by Judges as if they were the only people in the country capable of carrying out an analysis of a complex people situation of which the judges are unlikely to have prior knowledge or experience. “Crowd behaviour” for example is now a field in its own right – not just of humans, but animals too. Civil servants are unlikely to know this.
[4] Yes, you’ve guessed it. The newly appointed head of international leadership programmes at the College is Max Sahota of South Yorkshire Police. He was appointed Assistant Chief Constable in 2008 right in the middle of the Rotherham “industrial scale” sexual crimes scandal (above). He holds a Post Grad teaching certificate in Education and a Diploma in Management. His ambition on “Linked-In” is to “improve police capability to tackle serious and organised crime”. Difficult to do this in South Yorkshire when you are ensconced in Bramshill in rolling parkland in Hampshire.
September 5th, 2014 at 5:24 pm
You are right to highlight the police element in Rotherham, though I would say their job would have been much easier had the advice of Ray Honeyford been accepted thirty-odd years ago. Instead, Honeyford was lynched:
We are now paying the price – as indeed we did with the electoral fraud outlined earlier on this site. As I mentioned in that respect, the Attorney-General tried to highlight the fact that there was a problem of corruption with a certain community, but was shot down in flames within a day or so, giving the customary feeble apology as he sought to protect his job. If the government’s senior law officer can’t stand up for democracy, for fear of politically correct lynch mobs, it is no surprise that police further down the prosecutorial ladder could not save the young girls from abuse from the same community of offenders.
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September 5th, 2014 at 6:49 pm
Giving credit where it is due, the lead letter here is a sound and sensible voice:
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September 8th, 2014 at 9:40 am
Stephen Bush was the only academic prepared to put their head above the parapet in support of Ray Honeyford in 1985. See “Multi-ethnic education (2)”, a letter published in the Daily Telegraph on 11th June 1985.
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