The problem with gas
When North Sea gas was discovered off the British coast, many people in the 1960s switched to gas fired boilers for their central heating, because it was a clean fuel and not too expensive. Now, 50 years later, the supplies in the North Sea are nearly exhausted and we are having to import half the gas we use, via a pipeline from the Continent. The next source to be considered is methane from the Russian Republic. The problem is that because of the Russian situation with Ukraine, the EU is already placing trade sanctions on Russia. If these are extended to the gas supply, the UK will be very short of gas and fracking for our own on-shore gas will be essential.
Georgie’s tale
I don’t like the thought of being in a cold house in the winter.
Garfield’s reply
We all like to keep warm and cosy in the winter. The EU is beginning to operate its own foreign policy with the sanctions against Russia. This is just the start and no one can be sure where it will end. The UK has acted independently over centuries, rescuing the Continental countries in Europe from complete disaster in two World Wars in the last 100 years. Free of the EU we could return to our previous independence, the value of which has been proved, and make our own alliances and trading agreements across the world.