Immigration (2): English Dispossession
This year 2014 has seen extensive recollections in film and print about the First World War and Britain’s part in it. Most of the focus has been the huge losses of men on the Western Front from the British Empire: Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India[1].
You can see their names, around 800,000 from Britain, literally inscribed in the national memory, from Abbot to Young (in old English from Abbod to Yonge) on war memorials in every town and village of the United Kingdom, and with the other Empire countries in over 23,000 cemeteries all over the world. The Second World War added another 300,000 British armed forces deaths, not counting 100,000 British civilians and merchant seamen.
In September 1939, at the beginning of the Second World War, the British government asked how many coloured people there were then resident in Britain – the answer was 7,000 or about 0.01% of the British population, mostly to be found around the docks.
Origins of the English
Who could doubt then the basis of the English nation: that England was settled by the Anglo-saxon peoples in the 5th to 7th centuries, the name English first appearing in Bede’s 8th century writings, derived as a fusion of their names. With the late 8th and 9th century incursions of Vikings, ethnically the same as the Anglo-saxons, and the numerically small incursion of their Norman (Northmen) and Flemish cousins in the 11th and 12th centuries after the battle of Hastings in 1066, meant that by 1150 the English people were completely defined, even their county boundaries unchanged for 1,000 years, until Edward Heath’s wretched vandalism of 1974. The 15th and 16th centuries saw an oft-quoted movement of Protestant Hugenots from France and Flanders again, but the numbers here were tiny – about one percent of the English population, completely assimilated in two generations[2].
Arguably, over 800 years until 1939, with the possible exception of Japan – another island nation, England has been the least immigrated major country in the world, its people and culture known in every language by a word closely derived from it – ingles, anglais, angielsku, angliki, etc.
If the word “immigration” has any meaning, distinct from travel or movement, until the 1950s England has not received significant numbers of immigrants of different race since the Anglo-saxon settlements in the 5th-7th centuries. Indeed in the 350 years after the founding of Virginia in 1607, England has been the major source of emigrant flows of people, language and culture to those unique products of her Empire: the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as smaller flows to Southern and East Africa.
Propaganda continually being spread about contemporary immigration to Britain
There is continual propaganda in the media that from the 1950s the colossal mass immigrations of foreigners from Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe are part of a centuries-old sequence of immigrations, despite the easily ascertainable visible facts to the contrary.
Typical of this is the statement by a UN functionary French Canadian, François Crépeau, who declared recently in the Independent newspaper that “it is fantasy that there is a core British culture [founded many years ago] which is threatened by barbarians (sic) coming to your gates”. This is rich coming from a citizen of Canada which is 40 times the size of the United Kingdom, whose ruling party is the Conservatives – essentially the Reform Party – which came to power advocating restricting immigration (to well below the current level of the UK’s), in the same way that the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) does in Britain today.
As UKIP leader Nigel Farage put it in a succinct rebuke to Mr Crépeau: “more people came to Britain in one year, 2013, than in all the 834 years between 1066 and 1950”.
What has happened in the half century since 1950
This has been a steady process of English ethnic and cultural dispossession, deliberately engineered by the Blair-Brown Labour government of 1997-2010, who admitted an accelerated flow of Asian and African peoples and some 1.5 million impoverished East Europeans, principally Poles, with the acquiescence, if not encouragement of the rest of the governing LibLabCon consensus[3]. Because successive governments have steadfastly refused to count people in and out of the country, all figures provided by the National Statistical Office (NSO) of people entering and leaving Britain, are only estimates, gleaned from the International Passenger Survey, itself based on samples taken at the ports and airports, together with that relatively small number of visitors from outside the EU who are required to have visas (which are counted on the incoming side)[4].
Demographic changes
The present government focusses on net immigration, i.e. people in minus people out. As is well-known, it has abandoned its feeble effort to get this net amount down to “tens of thousands” per annum. The number in the year to the end of August was published recently as 248,000. But even this colossal number (equivalent to a new city the size of Brighton and Hove on the South Coast every year) underestimates the effect on the British population. This is because over 10 years the net annual figure is made up of around 50,000 returning British, plus around 450,000 Asians, Africans and East Europeans (AAE) coming in, and about 100,000 AAE returning to their own countries, plus 150,000 native British leaving per year.
This means that over 10 years to 2014, the native British population has been reduced by emigration by around 1.5 million and the non-native British population increased by around 3.5 million, a net difference of 5 million, doubling the resident proportion of non-native British to about 14% today (in London 56%)[5].
If this rate of immigration of non-British were to be continued for 20 more years to 2034, then the ethnic minority resident population would increase by around 9.6 million, more than double its present size. Taking into account the differences in natural increase of the various ethnic groups, the total British population would increase by around 10.2 million (i.e. the native British population would increase by a mere 0.6 million) to 75 million – 7 cities the size of Birmingham reducing the native British to 72% of the population in their homeland, an intolerable strain on the English particularly when even in 2014, at 1,060 persons per square mile, England is the third most densely populated country in the world, exceeded only by Korea (1,100 persons) and Bangladesh (2,000). If these immigration flows are unchecked, millions of native British people will find themselves living in for most purposes a foreign land, as many in London do now.
No democratic mandate sought for these changes
Needless to say, these enormous changes have been imposed on the native British without a jot of democratic approval – in the teeth of their opposition in fact as registered in opinion polls (about 70% are consistently opposed).
This change in our population, present and prospective, is now, at last, encountering real resistance, accompanied of course, by the knee-jerk cry of “xenophobia” from the LibLabCon Blob[6]. At the district council level, the push for more houses comes entirely from the planners, pushed by central government through their Local Planning Framework. Of the figure said to be needed of 200,000 houses a year indefinitely, half comes directly from the ONS assumption of net immigration running at 250,000 indefinitely and the assumed 2.4 persons per household.
English Cultural Dispossession: Metropolitan Xenophilia
As well as the sheer loss of space and amenity resulting from 5-6 million people and their offspring being crowded into an already overcrowded country over the last 20 years, following 2.5 million in the 30 years before that, there has been a determined effort by the Left, headed by the BBC and the Education Blob (as Michael Gove[7] calls it), to replace England’s and Britain’s other national cultures by the twin ideologies of multiculturalism and internationalism. This effort may be summarised in the term “Xenophilia”, coined here, to mean “the extolling of all things strange and foreign, in place of the natural affinities people feel for their own kith and kin, language and culture built up over centuries. The BBC does it by featuring a greater proportion of people of colour, as they term it in the USA, than warranted by their proportion in the context of the broadcast.
There are, in the educational field, literally hundreds of examples where English children are being told they have to associate with ethnic minority children and to learn the history of the cultures whence these children derive, all at the expense naturally in a crowded curriculum, of learning about their own priceless inheritance and the geography of their native land.
Recent examples include two primary schools in Lincolnshire told by the Education Inspectorate Ofsted they couldn’t be marked “outstanding” – which they had previously achieved – because in effect they were “too English” – this in a county with less than 1% coloured people, in a country whose culture is English, deriving from the plain fact that its native people have been English for 1,300 years. Ofsted needs to be challenged to explain why the arrival of foreign cultures should deprive English children of their culture in their own land.
A second quite common example is a school overwhelmed by children not speaking English in the reception classes. This and many others has led to a situation of neglect in which English boys from poorer households (usually denoted up to the recent past by entitlement to free school meals) are achieving less in their Keystages 2 (aged 11) and 3 (aged 14) and GCSEs (aged 16) results than almost any other group. Subconsciously many non-academic boys absorb the feeling that British education with its everlasting concern for the foreign, and the presumed needs of ethnic minorities, is not for them[8].
Why do so many senior public sector officials espouse multiculturalism
Multiculturalism, with its emphatic assertion that all cultures and languages are in some undefined way “equal” is a derivative of Marxism. Belief in the Marxist creed of “equality” has been the most prevalent creed in the Arts departments of Western Universities since the end of the First World War.
Up to about the 1970s, the primary focus of Marxism and its less aggressive relative – socialism – has been economic, but since the 1980s, when the contrast between Western capitalism and Eastern socialism in action has been clear for all to see, the focus of Marxist/socialism in Western universities has shifted on to deploring nationalism and nations – often describing the latter as capitalist constructs – to be undermined at every opportunity. And that is what the educated children of the 1970s (now occupying senior posts in the Civil Service, Local government, Academia) have assumed they should do.
The meaning of the UKIP rise
The huge vote for UKIP in May’s European Elections is not so much a protest against the LibLabCon Blob – but a determination to wrest back control of our country from the Marxists and the comfortable cultural fellow travellers like Boris Johnson, and put it back where it belongs – in the hands of the people of England[9].
End Notes
[1] From relatively tiny populations Newfoundland (now incorporated into Canada) and Southern Rhodesia made disproportionately large contributions, all volunteers.
[2] The Flemish weavers in the 13th century and the Huguenots in the 16th amounted in all to a maximum of 50,000, one per cent of the English population spread over 400 years, ethnically virtually the same, and completely assimilated in two generations. About 70,000 Jewish refugees from the pogroms of Eastern Europe arrived in the two decades before the First World War and a further 50,000 in the 1930s as refugees from Nazi Germany and Austria, but by then the English population was nearly 40 million, so the refugee proportions were again very small – about 0.3%.
[3] E.g. Andrew Neathers (as reported in the Daily Express on 27th January 2010) wrote about a Labour report calling for mass immigration to “change Britain’s cultural (i.e. racial) make-up for ever”. If true, is there any greater treason possible?
[4] To avoid doing this, all sorts of irrelevant smokescreens are put up by the Civil Servants at the Home Office and then parroted by their political servants. Thailand for instance photographs and records millions of visitors in and out as a matter of routine.
[5] See SFB letter to Daily Telegraph of 26th May 2014 on
[6] As for instance Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, Eton and Balliol College, Oxford, from his various perches of extraordinary privilege, driven to complete absurdity, when on LBC Radio (December 8th 2014) challenging Nigel Farage’s remark that immigration adds to congestion on Britain’s roads as it is bound to do. (There are about six cars for every ten inhabitants in Britain. Congestion increases at least with the square of the car population.)
[7] Former Secretary of State for Education, dismissed in July after 4 years of tackling the dreadfully low standards in Britain’s state schools in the teeth of opposition from the Education Blob: Local Education Authorities, civil servants in the Department of Education, Departments of Education in the Universities and Further Education (who have tended for many years to promote each other) not forgetting the teaching unions, and the inspectorate Ofsted.
[8] Under the previous director-general, the BBC announced it would seek to ensure that 18% of its employees at all levels were ethnic minorities – despite the fact that the proportion of ethnic minorities, who are actually British citizens (not just residents), is less than 10%.
[9] A typical example of the LibLabCon Blob’s insufferable disconnect from the English people appeared on May 6th 2014, two days before UKIP’s victory in the Euro-elections. The Daily Telegraph, delivered itself of the usual fairy-tale about Britain having “accepted over its long and varied history, invaders and refugees and immigrants and been changed by all, while remaining fundamentally the same (sic)”. Not one word out of 500 about the feelings of the English, who have been obliged to receive the mass immigration of the last 50 years.